Why Baroque Pearls are so Desirable

Pearls are built of mother-of-pearl (nacre) in a mollusk around an irritant. The beauty of pearls are their luster and iridescent colors (called orient) that can be observed on the pearl surface. The type of mollusk, the water and layers of mother-of-pearl influence the color of the pearls.
There are two kinds of cultured pearls: the pearls from the saltwater oysters - the expensive ones - and the ones from fresh water mussels. Natural pearls are those that are created without intervention by human beings in the oceans as well as in freshwater; they are extremely rare and can reach considerable prices.
We at Haute Victoire favor saltwater baroque pearls from the South Seas. As though caught within a fisherman's net, the shimmering baroque shape of the pearl floats in the lightness of swirling gold rope.